Sunday, April 12, 2015

My mom's road to chemotherapy.

Hello my two legged mom needs your help, Normally my mom is am a very private person handling issues internally but lately her life has taken a drastic turn and as a whole it has gotten bigger then herself and our small family to handle on their own. One day she noticed she started getting little brown spots like freckles all over her body then big burses started forming from just the simplest of touch. She jokingly called this her ripe banana syndrome. She went to the doctor and they told her that her body was attacking her platelets. To make a very long drawn out story short she has a rare blood disorder. The doctors do not know why she developed it and it is not responding to platelet transfusions, IGIV transfusions and she is having poor response to the steroids. This all means that she now has to have Chemotherapy. For months on end she will be taking treatments with unknown results or side affects. Normally as a person she can handle this sort of thing she thinks her whole life has been preparing her for just this situation. She however has dependents who need her as she is the sole provider for her disabled husband, my five fury siblings, and her four children. So it is with a humble heart that I call out to you and ask you to read her story at the link below and if you have the means give a little. If you do not have the monetary means it is fine I totally understand. She also appreciates all of the prayers and well wishes they are a great comfort.

Sally A Wolf Oncologist Fund