I knew that you might been worrying about me so I have taken a little brake from everything that I have been doing to give you an update. I know that it is has been awhile since I have written a new diary entry but I have been so busy.
For starters I have this new blog site. Looks snazzy doesn't it? Mom worked really hard to move all of my entries over here so that it would be easier for people to read all about me! Next I am now on Twitter and I have my own fan page on Facebook. I have found that all those updates take time to write when you don't have any fingers. Next I am having my girl time again that means I am in pain, extremely sad and I sill can't find my babies. My sister Poppy the Chunky Monkey has been really kind to me. I don't mind her so much now that she is my bunk mate. She even cleans my ears when I whine and she keeps me company while I search the house over for those lost pups. Speaking of twitter. I am so proud, my mom was mentioned in the latest Devin O’Branagan’s Water Bowl Chat: Pets Who Tweet When asked " What your pets would tweet, if given the opportunity?" she said "My furbaby is already tweeting and she has more followers than I do.” and that I do He He.
In other news, since I am now a grown up dog who can use the computer, I have found that I get more and more enjoyment out of sitting sphinx stile in the sun then I do running about. Poppy was playing with one of my human sisters yesterday and I just looked at them with my head to the side wondering what the big deal was, then I went and presented my aft section to my mom for a good scratching. When I am not sleeping, getting a good butt scratch, or tweeting you will find me at the counter surfing for human food. I don't understand why my humans keep giving me the stuff that I don't like and hording all the good stuff for themselves. I have tried to convey this to them by burring the nasty dog food in my blanket for Poppy to find later but they still give it to me anyway. Sometimes I get hungry or the if the Beagle Brothers try to take it, then eat it but I like to eat what I find on the counters better. This is aided by the simple fact I am a very tall dog who, when I stand on my back legs is nearly four feet tall. If I was human I could ride the veggie tales ride at Dolly Wood that my human brother tells me all about. On a side note my mom just informed me that wouldn't be a good idea for me to do If I could since I get car sick on curvy roads. To bad it sounds fun. Well that is all that is new I will write more when something else important happens in the meantime don't forget to fallow me on twitter and Face book by clicking the links below.
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